The beginning

The idea is born, a pen and a sheet of paper create our identity..


The first steps

Experience, sacrifice and sweat for a single objective: enhancing our territory


Let's bring life to our abandoned olive groves

The recovery of the first hectares of abandoned olive groves

Our friendship, our mission

From a simple chat, together with Riccardo, we decide to embark on a shared path, with the aim of recovering, enhancing and conserving our wonderful landscapes, recovering abandoned olive groves and bringing them back into production of the true and unique EVO OIL. MyOLIVE is born!


A partnership, created by trust and friendship to achieve great goals


Our first products

The magnificent Switzerland welcomes us, with respect and credibility we begin to make ourselves known in the world too..


Our crops

The smile of those who, with passion, believe in us... contributing to this mission



Our wonderful green gold, an extra virgin olive oil being pressed